No one goes into a marriage expecting a divorce, but they happen. If you have filed (or are contemplating) divorce, you need an Certified Divorce Real Estate Specialist who is experienced in handling the sale of your marital home and other properties. I can help.

What you can expect from me.

  • Credible, trustworthy problem solver to answer all your questions
  • Neutral 3rd party to ensure fairness during the transaction
  • I know the pitfalls in court-ordered home sales and how to prevent them
  • I will prevent, diffuse and resolve conflict during the sale
  • Professional listing and marketing strategies to quickly complete the sale of the marital home at the best price.

I have received extensive training to be a Certified Divorce Real Estate Specialist. No other Realtor® in the area has my training combined with my years of experience as a divorce real estate agent.

I’m an expert in the Genesee County market and Divorce Court proceedings. I’ve been called as an expert witness by judges in many divorce cases, and am the preferred real estate divorce specialist for many of Genesee County’s top divorce lawyers.

Why a Real Estate Divorce Specialist Matters.

Once you file for a divorce, there will be three processes that happen at the same time. Each of these processes offer trained professionals to help you during a divorce.

The Legal Process

This begins with filing for a divorce, new living arrangements, working out the finances of both spouses and child custody. A family law attorney is best suited to guide you through this process. In Michigan, the legal process typically takes from 6 months to a year depending on children and assets.

An Emotional Process

Divorce is emotionally draining, not only for both spouses, but for any children and to a lesser extent the extended family. Many people going through a divorce find help from a certified divorce counselor or a family therapist who are specially trained to ease the emotional turmoil during and after a divorce.

A Real Estate Timeline

The family home is typically the biggest financial asset in a marriage. In many cases it will need to be sold as part of the process of dividing the assets equitably after the divorce. While any real estate agent can sell a house, only a real estate divorce specialist has the tools and experience in family law court to make this a relatively fast, easy and painless process. A divorce real estate specialist combines compassion with their clients and effectiveness to get the job done.

Have questions?

Considering a divorce but haven’t filed yet? Have you filed but don’t know what to do about the house? Do you need to talk to someone without fear of others finding out? For a free, confidential, no obligation discussion about selling your marital home, text or call me at (810) 252-3827 or email me.